Think Again with Matthew O'Malley (LIVE #2)
Mattthew O’Malley is an advocate, author (Understanding Dysfluency) and a licensed SLPA, CDIS Master's Candidate. Matthew brings wisdom and perspective enriched by his experience as a person who stutters, and co-creator of the biggest self-help “Stuttering Community” Facebook group for people who stutter from around the world.
Matthew O’Malley joins us for an open conversation. Matt leads with great questions and reflections on some of the following topics:
The “Iceberg” as a model of understanding stuttering and lived-experience for people who stutter
Approach to stuttering therapy
The analogy of asthma as a way to understanding stuttering
Adapting and coping with the persistency of the condition
The relationship between the physical and non-physical (cognitive and emotional aspects of the lived experience)
Next steps for stuttering research
Introduction to our newest offering: Group therapy and Online course.
Online support groups and organizations
We’re excited to invite you to listen-in to this rich and candid conversation.
An open conversation about stutteringMatthew O'Malley AND Uri Schneider A conversation about stuttering - the nature of it, treatment and how we move forward
Posted by Schneider Speech on Thursday, June 4, 2020