TS SLP Cohort 3
to Aug 19

TS SLP Cohort 3

Where the best SLPs come to learn and grow, together!

A special summer session, led by uri Schneider, Thursday nights, 9-10:30pm EST

Cohort 3 includes professionals from Nebraska, New Jersey, Colorado, California, Chile and more.

Join the community!

Become the best version of your SLP-self.

Evolve as a guide for people who stutter.

And so much more!

(Click to learn more - and you can sign-up for free mini-course)

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From the Shadow to the Light with Raiani Sibien
8:00 AM08:00

From the Shadow to the Light with Raiani Sibien



Raiani Sibien, the founder of Stuttering Society, is a Brazilian and Italian national currently living in Belgium. She graduated in journalism from a British university and has a Masters degree in the field of security and diplomacy. After a long journey towards stuttering acceptance, Raiani decided to create Stuttering Society, an online platform that helps other people who stutter in different aspects of their lives.

Since leaving her hometown in Brazil in 2006, Raiani had the opportunity to study and work in several countries, including England, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, Belgium, and the United States.

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Transcending Stuttering with Angelica Bernabe
9:00 AM09:00

Transcending Stuttering with Angelica Bernabe

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Angelica Bernabe is a psychologist and a person who stutters from Peru. Since 2018, is the director of a specialized center for stuttering dedicated to providing training for professionals and treatment for kids, teenagers, and adults who stutter in South America. Also, she is studying at Michigan State University, taking the prerequisite courses prior to the master's degree in Communicate Science and Disorders.

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Transcending Stuttering with Stephen Greene
8:00 AM08:00

Transcending Stuttering with Stephen Greene


A person who stutters from Dublin Ireland, Social care worker with 20 years experience working in the area of Intellectual Disabilities. He is the former Chairman of the Irish Stammering Association and support group facilitator. Stephen is married with one daughter and plays the Keyboard in a band.

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Getting Out of Your Own Way with Annie Bradberry
10:00 AM10:00

Getting Out of Your Own Way with Annie Bradberry


Annie, a long-time member of the National Stuttering Association, served as Executive Director from 1993-2003, she also served the organization in many capacities throughout the years from chapter leader, regional coordinator, board member. She also served as past Chair of the International Stuttering Association and a host for Stutter Social, an online community for people who stutter. With her involvement spanning over 40 years she is currently the co-coordinator of the NSA’s First Timers Programming. Continuing her passion for the stuttering community, Annie currently serves on the Self Help and Advocacy committee for the International Fluency Association and presents workshops, in-service trainings to local universities and school districts whenever she can. Annie’s full-time job is Executive Director of a national non-profit in Southern California.

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Transcending Stuttering with Nina G
10:00 AM10:00

Transcending Stuttering with Nina G


Nina G is a comedian, professional speaker and author of Stutterer Interrupted:The Comedian Who Almost Didn’t Happen and Once Upon An Accommodation: A Book About Learning Disabilities.
She has been featured in/on everything from NPR's 51%, BBC's Ouch, Psychology Today, Tedx, multiple day time talk shows, Howard (Stern) 100 News and even the Stuttering John Podcast.

Nina shares her wit and wisdom with corporations, colleges, libraries, conferences, and community events. Her no nonsense approach to disability awareness and acceptance helps to bring institutions, communities and individuals to deepen their understanding of the disability and bring practical approaches to making a more inclusive society.

Nina is currently working on her third book on the history of stand up comedy in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Transcending Stuttering with Seth Tichenor
8:00 AM08:00

Transcending Stuttering with Seth Tichenor


Seth Tichenor is a post-doctoral research associate at Michigan State University in the Developmental Speech Laboratory (PI: Dr. Bridget Walsh). His primary research interests include better understanding and predicting individual differences in the experience of stuttering (stammering), understanding how adverse impact related to the condition develops, and determining how moments of stuttering occur in speech. He practices clinically and is actively involved with various self-help/support and international stuttering organizations. He lives in Lansing, Michigan with his wife (Allison), daughter (Lucy), and puppy (Charlie).

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Transcending Stuttering with Moe Mernick
8:00 AM08:00

Transcending Stuttering with Moe Mernick


As the COO of Partners in Torah (a nonprofit ed-tech platform), Moe is spearheading a digital transformation, strategic partnerships, and global expansion. Previously, he was the Founder & CEO at Winfluencers, the Head of BizDev for Hometalk, Strategy Consultant for Deloitte, and Regional Director for the Lauder Foundation. He holds an MBA and Rabbinical Ordination, and published his first book, The Gift of Stuttering (Mosaica Press, 2016). He also teaches Daf Yomi (daily Talmud class), produces inspirational videos, and gives lectures to audiences worldwide. Moe lives in Israel with his wife and children.

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8:00 AM08:00

Transcending Stuttering with Dr. Phil Schneider - Special Edition

Ask Dr. Phil - Transcending Stuttering with Dr. Phil Schneider


Phil Schneider, Ed.D. CCC-SLP is the founding partner of Schneider Speech Pathology. Recognized as a master clinician and teacher, he has been practicing and teaching for over 40 years. He holds the title of Professor Emeritus of Communication Disorders at Queens College, CUNY.

Phil has been honored with the New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association Distinguished Clinician Award, the New York City Speech-Language-Hearing Association Professional Achievement Award, and the Queens College Award for Excellence in Teaching. In 2004 he was named the Speech Pathologist of the Year by the National Stuttering Association; in 2006 he was awarded the highest Honors of the New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association and in 2013 he was give the Advocacy Award by the Stuttering Association of the Young (SAY). Phil is a spokesperson for the Stuttering Foundation of America and has appeared on NBC, ABC and WOR-TV; he has presented more than 200 inspirational and innovative seminars across the United States and around the world.

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Transcending Stuttering with Cody Packer
6:15 AM06:15

Transcending Stuttering with Cody Packer


Cody Mathieson Packer is a proud person who stutters from New Zealand. He started making films in his parents backyard at the age of 13, which was the time he discovered the magic of filmmaking and storytelling. Since then he studied film directing at the New Zealand Broadcasting School and Columbia College Chicago. He now lives in Los Angeles, California where he works as a commercial and film director full time. Cody is a passionate advocate involved in the National Stuttering Association Stuttering Association for the Stuttering Association for the Young communities. He released this PSA to celebrate the communities he holds close to heart, and to spread awareness about stuttering during National Stuttering Awareness Week.

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Conversation with Dr. Shelly Jo Kraft
10:00 AM10:00

Conversation with Dr. Shelly Jo Kraft

Dr. Shelly Jo Kraft joins Uri for a conversation

Join us on Facebook Live at @schneiderspeech


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Dr. Kraft's current research focuses on the biological and behavioral genetics of stuttering, autism, SLI, SSD, and hearing loss. Other research interests include neuro-anatomical and functional features of people who stutter, auditory feedback mechanisms of speech control, autism treatment strategies, new genetic analysis techniques for modeling epigenetic complexity and exploring the relationship between cognition, temperament, and stuttering severity.

Dr. Kraft is the director of the Behavior, Speech & Genetics Lab (Rackham 051), where the majority of her research is conducted. Her latest research showcases novel approaches to the identification of gene-to-gene interaction and regulation as new genetic methodologies offer the promise of identifying etiological bases for many developmental disorders including speech and language disorders.

Dr. Kraft's research team in collaboration with the Univeristy of Texas, Baylor Medical, and Vanderbuilt University, was recently awarded a grant from the National Institutes of Health to identify genes for stuttering. She will be collecting saliva samples from people all around the world who stutter.

If you are a person who stutters, or has ever stuttered, and you are interested in participating in this study, please click here to register!

Study Background: Stuttering is a developmental speech disorder that commonly runs in families. With an onset between the ages of 2-5 years old, 5-6% of children will stutter and 1% of adults will stutter. In some places of the world 11-14% of the population stutters! The genes contributing this disorder have not been conclusively identified in the population at large. This study will investigate thousands of people who currently stutter, or ever stuttered as children, for genetic markers of the disorder. Discoveries will lead to better treatment options, development of prevention strategies, and give answers to the people affected.


  1. BA Audiology & Speech Sciences, Michigan State University

  2. MA Communicative Sciences & Disorders, Michigan State University

  3. PhD Speech Language Pathology & Human Genetics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

  4. PostDoctoral Scholar Human Genetics, University of Chicago

Awards and grants

  1. Center for Mendelian Genomics Genes for Persistent Developmental Stuttering: Australian Cohort The goal of this study is to investigate the genetics underlying this speech and language disorder. The investigation will focus on the genetics, neurobiology, cognitive and severity phenotypes within families enriched for the disorder located in Perth, Australia. Role: Principal Investigator, Collaborator, AnalystWSU Genetics Research Grant Biomarkers for Speech Disorders: An Imaging Genetics Study The goal of this study is to investigate the pathophysiology of stuttering in 40 adults who persistently stutter and 40 matched controls. In collaboration with McMaster University, Canada, The investigation will explore gene expression, neurobiology, and allelic variation in respect to anatomical and functional differences within the experimental cohort. Role: Co-Principal InvestigatorNational Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)Genetic Study of Developmental Stuttering This study will examine genome-wide genetic risk in 800 unrelated non-consanguineous individuals who stutter and 3000 ancestry matched controls with replication of top signals in an additional independent 1000 cases and 1000 controls, comprising the largest proposed genetic study of stuttering to date and aimed at the identification of genes and transmission models responsible for the disorder. Role: Principal Investigator

  2. 2009 Outstanding Teaching Award, List of Teachers Ranked As Excellent By Their Students, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign (Fall 2009, SHS 410) 2009 Outstanding Teaching Award, List of Teachers Ranked As Excellent By Their Students, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign (Fall 2009, SHS 577) 2010 Excellent Teaching Award, List of Teachers Ranked As Excellent By Their Students, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (Spring 2010, SHS 593) 2013 Manuel Garcia Award International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics http://www.candgnews.com/news/wsu-prof-earns-international-award-research-stuttering 2015 Outstanding Professor of the Year, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Wayne State University 2017 Outstanding Professor of the Year, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Wayne State University

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Transcending Stuttering with Michael Molino
10:00 AM10:00

Transcending Stuttering with Michael Molino


Michael (Mike) was born and raised in San Jose CA. Prior to receiving his Master’s Degree in Speech Pathology, he served in the US Navy for 24 years. Although he has been retired for 10 years now, he still remembers that part of his life just like it was yesterday. Mike has two grown children and has been married to his wife Teresa for 28 years. They currently live in the greater area of Sacramento CA.

Like a lot of people who stutter, he spent numerous years receiving speech therapy as a child. He remembers his mother taking him to Dr. Greenleaf’s private practice, where he would introduce puzzles to him. Back then he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, other than solving various types of puzzles. Now thinking back, he says that the puzzles were meant to be a motivator to get him to talk… but he just solved the puzzles like he was asked. Mike says, his mother quit taking him there just before he started Kindergarten. Mike recalls being in the third grade and the class having to split up into reading and math circles. This was when he noticed he did not communicate in the same manner as his other classmates, as he was the only one who stuttered. Mike started speech therapy once again and continued to receive speech therapy from the public schools until the 7th grade. He said, he finally spoke to his mother and said he wanted to stop. He said was tired of having to go to the special education classroom (which was smaller than a broom closet) and he was fed up with reading catchy phrases over and over, “I guess my SLP felt good about her treatment procedures, knowing I was speaking fluently during her activities.” Another reason was all about the stigma, the stigma of being lessor than his peers, even though he knew he was not!

Mike first heard about the NSP (before it was called the NSA) back in 1986; however, it took him over a decade to get to a chapter meeting. He recalls transferring from sea duty to shore duty in Washington state and had read about the Seattle Conference. He said, he signed-up, even showed up, but did not have the courage to walk in. He said, he just sat in the lobby for about 2 hours and watched person after person walk by. Fear, shame, and quilt are powerful! He eventually walked back to his car are drove home. Later that Fall he did attend his first NSA meeting in Seattle, which he later became Chapter Leader of. Being a Navy man, he was transferred a lot. Once he retired and settled in Sacramento, he joined their chapter and has now been Sacramento’s Chapter Leader for 10 years. He is also the Southwest Regional Coordinator for Adults and Family programs and has been a Stutter Social Host for over four years.

Mike was asked what he would tell the younger him. He said, not much gets in his way as an adult… While serving in the Navy, he was a shipboard Damage Control and Engineering Team trainer, a Fire Marshal, a facilitator, led 100+ people… meaning he had to talk a lot. He has given numerous interviews to local newspapers, been interviewed on TV, and was asked to be the commencement speaker when he graduated with his master’s degree in Speech Pathology. Just prior to giving his commencement speech, he was interviewed by the local NPR station in Sacramento. He said, he was asked why he would agree to give a commencement speech in front of about 10,000 people, knowing he would stutter. He simply said, “they are giving me 2 minutes (which extended to nearly 3 minutes) to bring awareness to stuttering, it was an opportunity that I could not pass up.”

As far as telling the younger me something: Don’t worry about teasing, don’t worry about bullies, don’t worry about making phone calls, don’t worry about going through the drive-thru, don’t worry about what other people might think or what you might perceive them to think about you! Just be yourself, and at the end of the day, let being yourself be enough. Sure, there will be shame and fear, but you will eventually forge them into purpose, and purpose is why we are here!

“Life is a journey, and some journeys have bumpy roads, and some have smooth roads. Whether the roads are bumpy or smooth, we can only hope that our journey leads us to breath taking views along the way.” ~ M.M.

Mike is a tattoo enthusiast (total number, unknown), likes relaxing outdoors, likes hikes, and enjoys riding his mountain bike when the weather is nice.

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For Teens Who Stutter - Jonathan Costello, Brayden Harrington, and friends
1:00 PM13:00

For Teens Who Stutter - Jonathan Costello, Brayden Harrington, and friends

Inviting teens who stutter (from our #transcendingstuttering community and the public)

After a long break... we are re-opening our doors to host free meet-ups!

Join us for a meet-up with our friends Jonathan Costello and Brayden Harrington. We'll share some stories and open-up for Q&A chill.


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Transcending Stuttering with Dr. Anjali Alimchandani
10:30 AM10:30

Transcending Stuttering with Dr. Anjali Alimchandani


Anjali Alimchandani, PhD, MPP is a psychologist currently working in private practice. She holds a PhD in Counseling Psychology from New York University and Masters in Public Policy from Harvard University. Prior to pursuing private practice full time, she worked in the Homeless Patient Aligned Care Team at the Greater Los Angeles Veterans Administration Medical Center (GLA VA), West Los Angeles (WLA) campus. She also co-created the GLA VA Transgender Care Team. At the VA, Dr. Alimchandani provided clinical supervision and training to postdoctoral psychology fellows and facilitated multiple trainings/presentations on culturally responsive, social justice informed psychotherapy for psychiatry, psychology, and primary care staff members and residents/trainees at GLA VA. In addition, Dr. Alimchandani held a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor position at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) David Geffen School of Medicine in 2018-2019, and has periodically served as an Adjunct Assistant Professor within the Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) program at the University of Southern California (USC)’s Rossier School of Education since January 2018. She is a member of the Advisory Board for the National Queer and Transgender Therapists of Color Network and a member of the following American Psychological Association groups: Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity and the International Psychology Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Issues. Prior to coming to the field of psychology, Anjali worked in a variety of fields aimed at social justice promotion, including domestic violence prevention/response, international development, and direct social services with refugee and disenfranchised youth of color.

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Conversation with Dr. Michael Boyle
10:00 AM10:00

Conversation with Dr. Michael Boyle

Michael P. Boyle, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Montclair State University. He researches psychosocial aspects of stuttering, including the impact of societal stigma on the communicative participation and well-being of people who stutter. Dr. Boyle’s research also focuses on developing assessment methods and interventions to reduce the stigma of stuttering.  Dr. Boyle developed the Self-Stigma of Stuttering Scale (4S) which is used internationally by clinicians and researchers and has been translated to 10 languages so far. Dr. Boyle has also consulted with a variety of therapists, researchers, and advocacy groups nationally and internationally to help them with using evidence-based strategies for stigma reduction. He has authored over 35 scientific papers and book chapters, mostly on topics related to stuttering.

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Dear World, I Stutter with James Hayden
1:30 PM13:30

Dear World, I Stutter with James Hayden

Live on Facebook and then available via Podcast, Blog and Youtube


James Hayden is a New Orleans Saints fan, a Survivor superfan, HLA technologist, writer, and a person who stutters from the New Orleans area. James is the author of Dear World, I Stutter: A Series of Open Letters from a Person Who Stutters. His work has been published by The Mighty, The Stuttering Foundation, Stamma, Yahoo, and MSN. James has also appeared on several podcasts and was a speaker at TEDxOchsner 2019. He also serves as the chapter leader for the New Orleans chapter for the National Stuttering Association.

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The Way We Talk with Michael Turner
10:00 AM10:00

The Way We Talk with Michael Turner

Live on Facebook and then available via Podcast, Blog and Youtube


Michael Turner is the creator of The Way We Talk, an award-winning autobiographical documentary that has screened around the world and contributed toward a paradigm shift in how stuttering is perceived. His second feature, Monument, about memory, memorialization, and meaning, is currently in production. He lives with his wife and daughter in rural Oregon.

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Transcending Stuttering with Steff Lebsack
10:00 AM10:00

Transcending Stuttering with Steff Lebsack


Steff Lebsack became a speech-language pathologist because she has an older brother, Jasper, who is a person who stutters. Steff focuses clinically on the treatment of stuttering and cluttering and is the current course designer/instructor for the graduate Fluency Disorders course for the Baylor University online Master’s Degree Program. Steff believes that her role in the field of speech pathology is a life passion and not a career. She lives with her husband Kevin, her two beautiful young children Mary and Karter and a pug named Ritchie. When she isn’t playing with her kids or catching up on stuttering current events, she can be found baking, writing or reading. She can even be found playing piano or the drums if you are brave enough to listen.

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Transcending Stuttering with Shane Garcia
10:00 AM10:00

Transcending Stuttering with Shane Garcia

Live on Facebook and then available via Podcast, Blog and Youtube


After spending years becoming proficient in the art of street dancing. Self taught dancer Shane Garcia was nationally recognized on “So You Think You Can Dance”, season 10, where he gained extensive experience in the industry and gained a lot of opportunities working in the field. He then went on to continue his journey through performing and choreographing for many music talents. Shane also, has always had a passion for music. He studied in classical piano since the age of 14 before branching out on his own and inevitably found his passion in producing music at the age of 16, which is his path today. Creating his own art by fusing dance and piano, he has also developed a way to play the piano and dance at the same time. These days, his music production style, which sets him apart, is found from the history and experience of being a dancer.

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Are you really ready for change? with Dr. Naomi Rodgers
8:00 AM08:00

Are you really ready for change? with Dr. Naomi Rodgers

Live on Facebook and then available via Podcast, Blog and Youtube


Naomi Rodgers, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She directs the UNL Stuttering Lab where her holistic experiences as a person who stutters, active member of the self-help community, speech-language pathologist, and stuttering researcher inspire her to address empirical questions that are clinically grounded. She is specifically interested in growing our understanding of how people who stutter get ready to change, and how people who stutter process social-emotional information.




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Words Fail Us with Jonty Claypole
9:00 AM09:00

Words Fail Us with Jonty Claypole

Live on Facebook and then available via Podcast, Blog and Youtube


Jonty Claypole is Director of BBC Arts, Chairman of the arts centre HOME in Manchester, and was listed in the Bookseller's Top 100 Most Influential People. Although born in Australia, he grew up in London and now lives in east London with his family. His most recent project at the BBC was the landmark series Civilisations featuring Mary Beard, David Olusoga and Simon Schama.



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SAY G'day with Elaina Kefalianos
7:00 AM07:00

SAY G'day with Elaina Kefalianos

Live on Facebook and then available via Podcast, Blog and Youtube


Dr. Elaina Kefalianos is the Lead of Teaching and Senior Lecturer for the Master of Speech Pathology course at the University of Melbourne. She has 13 years of clinical research experience. Her current research focuses on better understanding the development of stuttering and recovery in population-level studies and improving management approaches for children who stutter. 


Elaina is Vice-President for the Stuttering Association for the Young: Australia. This is a national not for profit organization for 7-18-year-old Australian young people who stutter. Some of her latest research is focused on conducting trials examining the efficacy of novel creative arts programs to improve psychosocial outcomes for young people who stutter. She is also a chief investigator for the Effective Stuttering Treatment project. Together with colleagues at the University of Oslo in Norway, she is developing a new intervention program for preschool children who stutter.


Elaina’s research has been published in international leading discipline specific journals. She has received over $2.5M in competitive research grants to date and has been an invited speaker at 4 international seminars. 




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Conversation with Hope Gerlach
10:00 AM10:00

Conversation with Hope Gerlach

Hope Gerlach Joins Uri for a Conversation


Hope Gerlach, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is an assistant professor at Western Michigan University. Her research focuses on identifying and reducing disparities in quality of life between people who stutter and typically fluent speakers. Currently, she is studying the role of stigma and identity constructs in psychological distress among adults who stutter. She has been actively involved in support organizations for people who stutter and has worked as a speech-language pathologist at several summer camps for youth who stutter.

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Conversation with John Moore
10:00 AM10:00

Conversation with John Moore

John Moore joins Uri for a conversation

Before the event, you can click here to RSVP
At the time of the event,
click here to join and engage with us in real time.


John Moore is a marketing strategist, professional speaker, business book author and lifelong person who stutters. He played an instrumental role in the marketing that transformed Starbucks into a global icon and served as director of national marketing for Whole Foods Market.

His consultancy, the Brand Autopsy Marketing Practice, works with organizations that are driven by purpose, not just profits. John has been involved with the National Stuttering Association since 2011 and currently lives in Greenville, SC.

Life is tough enough but when you, as a person who stutters, have difficulty stringing together words and sentences to speak, life is even tougher. I am not ...
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Conversation with Mateo Andrew Rivera
10:00 AM10:00

Conversation with Mateo Andrew Rivera

Mateo Andrew Rivera joins Uri for a conversation

Before the event, you can click here to RSVP
At the time of the event,
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Mateo Andrew Rivera is a director, writer, actor, rapper, and stutterer from Houston, TX.  He's worked on several award-winning films and documentaries, as well as his own narrative films and creative projects.

Currently, Mateo is in post-production on his first full length & autobiographical documentary "A-A-Acceptance" which chronicles how his stutter has impacted his film career and life.

A Documentary About F-F-Finding Yourself. Dir. by Mateo Andrew Rivera. Coming soon.

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Conversation with John Gomez (part deux)
10:00 AM10:00

Conversation with John Gomez (part deux)

John Gomez returns to join Uri for a conversation

See the first conversation here.

And join us for part two, on Facebook Live at @schneiderspeech

Details coming soon…

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BIO: John Gomez moonlights as a filmmaker. His days are spent as a Speech Pathologist for the Los Angeles Unified School District and as part-time faculty at California State University teaching a graduate-level course on stuttering.

Born and raised in Northern New Mexico, John attended Colorado College where he earned a degree in Philosophy and American Ethnic Studies. He originally moved to Los Angeles to become an actor but disillusionment with the industry-led John to a career in Speech Pathology. In 2009, he graduated from California State Los Angeles University with a master’s degree in Communication Disorders.

John’s first feature film, WHEN I STUTTER, premiered at the Cleveland International Film Festival in April of 2017. WHEN I STUTTER has been admired for its ability to effectively raise awareness about people who stutter and their challenges in life. The film has won 7 awards, been an official selection in over 15 film festivals with over 100 screenings worldwide. In 2017, John was honored with the Emerging Filmmaker Award from the prestigious Chagrin Documentary Film Festival.

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Conversation with Lovejoy Muchenje
8:00 AM08:00

Conversation with Lovejoy Muchenje

Lovejoy Muchenje Joins Uri for a Conversation


Lovejoy Muchenje is a native of Zimbabwe. He is a person who stutters and currently lives in the Greater Richmond Area in Virginia. Lovejoy is actively involved in the stuttering community; he is currently the National Stuttering Association (NSA) co-leader for the Richmond Chapter. Lovejoy has degrees in engineering and currently works in the transportation field as an environmental engineer. Lovejoy is a husband and father. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and playing with his two sons.

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