Schneider Speech

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Stuttering Commencement Speech with Parker Mantell at Indiana University

College grad Parker Mantell delivered wisdom beyond his years and went viral as an eloquent and inspiring Indiana University commencement speaker (who stutters). Parker is a friend and an outstanding citizen - and he continues to pursue his path in the world of politics. I met Parker at the National Stuttering Association conference and the impact of perseverance and insight he left me with then, still remain today.

His spoken words ring true today, as they did in 2014 by his commencement! Watch the video below for the full clip:

PODCAST with Parker

Listen to Stuttertalk podcast with Parker Mantell.
For StutterTalk page click here.

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Daring to Be Yourself with Parker Mantell StutterTalk


“Boldly breaking through barriers not only opens doors for you, but it opens doors for others. Parker Mantell talks through how people in history, working through their challenges, empowered him to work through his stutter. He challenges the audience to do the same for the next generation.” (TedTalk, description)

Uri Schneider and Parker Mantell
National Stuttering Association Conference