How to Respond to Resistance and Push-back (Our Kids' And Our Own)
Do you know what I mean?
When you tell your kid to do his homework... and he says, I don't feel like it.
When your doctor tells you to add exercise to your weekly schedule... and you don't see how that's humanly possible.
When your therapist gives you ideas to expand your comfort zone... and you have every excuse why you can't do it.
We need to honor resistance.
“Resistance isn’t a dead end.”
It's the door you knock on. And on the other side lies the next chapter.
So rather than seeing resistance as a dead-end, start to see it as an invitation to explore further.
Ask your kids: I see you don't wanna do your homework, what's up?
Ask yourself: What kind of exercise and how much time am I thinking of when I feel it would be impossible to do.
We ask our clients: Ok, so your not ready to do "that;" what's up? What WOULD YOU be ready to do?
Generally, when we knock on the door, resistance abates and the next chapter opens up.
And everyone feels more comfortable and more accomplished.