A Life of Creative Arts with Mateo Andrew Rivera (LIVE #42)

Conversation with Mateo Andrew Rivera

Scroll down for host and guest bio, additional resources, links, notes, and more.


- Early years and growing-up

- The day my life changed - thanks to a Nigerian priest

- Stuttering, acting, rapping, film and more

- Fluent stuttering

- “It” is more than a horror film by Stephen King

- Forthcoming autobiographical documentary


  • Mateo discusses his early life in acting and film making.

  • Mateo and Uri discuss wisdom around the stuttering community.

  • Mateo and Uri discuss the A-A-Acceptance Documentary and the story behind the idea and creation.

  • Mateo explains how a priest’s wisdom, gave him the confidence that he needed.



Mateo Andrew Rivera is a director, writer, actor, rapper, and stutterer from Houston, TX.  He's worked on several award-winning films and documentaries, as well as his own narrative films and creative projects. Currently, Mateo is in post-production on his first full-length & autobiographical documentary "A-A-Acceptance" (see trailer below) which chronicles how his stutter has impacted his film career and life.


  1. Medxci Studios  

  2. Medxci Drone Reel (2020) 

  3. A-a-acceptance: Documentary Trailer

  4. Instagram